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A2 english language investigation coursework help

A2 english language investigation coursework help

a2 english language investigation coursework help

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A2 english coursework methodology | Teaching english methodology

Abstract: This investigation considers structural features of spoken English. The data are two broadcast commentaries Radio 5 Live and Mach 1 for ITV. These are analysed in terms of: lexical choice, semantics, syntax and structures of short discourses.

Appendices: Details of speakers and context; transcripts of spoken extracts, using appropriate conventions to show pauses - do not supply punctuation as for written data; acknowledgements.

This worked very well. See above. Abstract: This investigation considers lexis, semantics and discourse structure, stylistic a2 english language investigation coursework help devices and typography, if relevant. Introduction: you may need to look for a theoretical model or description of political advertising, against which to evaluate your data. You may find something in Crystal's encyclopedias, but very up-to-date stuff is harder to find.

You really need guidelines from the parties themselves. For help in doing so, try writing to names of local MPs. This should give you a starting point. You must also look for evidence of purpose - does the leaflet try to alter your party allegiance, or simply get already committed voters out to cast their vote?

Evidence will be found in use of imperative command forms. Lexis - look for distinctive lexicon, such a2 english language investigation coursework help terms peculiar to political context if any.

Compare incidence frequency in different leaflets. Look at frequency of use of party's name and of other party names. Collocations - look at distinctive forms such as "New Labour". How are these used to support the leaflets' purposes? Stylistics - look at things that you can quantify as well as explain e. incidence of metaphor, type of metaphor, colloquialism etc.

Syntax - look at use of phrases and clauses a2 english language investigation coursework help complete sentences; look at use of different sentence types - declarative, interrogative, imperative and so on. Conclusions: how far does each leaflet fulfil purposes or intentions identified in your introduction? Are they effective means of persuasion or used simply because canvassers expect to use them? Appendices: Relevant documents with copyright and acknowledgements.

This task proved hard for the candidate, a2 english language investigation coursework help. Abstract: This investigation will look at a very few passages in a range of t ranslations. These will be studied for examples of lexical and semantic change, for changes in syntax patterns and stylistic features e. cultural or gender bias or neutrality in metaphor, pronouns, titles and so on. Introduction: The King James Version of the Bible was translated as a Bible for public worship, and for reading aloud.

Subsequent revisions have been made within this tradition, using the KJ text where possible, but altering it where language change requires this. These are the Revised Version, Revised Standard Version and New Revised Standard Version. In this investigation, taking the KJV as the standard or reference point, you will study changes to the text, organizing these by appropriate language categories. To make the task manageable, you will study a relatively short sample of the text initially the last two chapters of Acts, but this may be reduced.

This book has been chosen as according to the translators St. Luke has better command of Greek than other New Testament writers. The chosen sections do not contain abstruse theological terms such as gracea2 english language investigation coursework help, which may lead to widely differing translations although there are some nautical terms not found elsewhere in scripture. For reference, you will look at other contemporary translations e.

Phillips, NEB, Good News that have other intended purposes and audiences private devotional use, readers in the UK etc.

to see how translation differs. At all times, you should be aware that you are studying translations made for spoken delivery in public worship. Headings under which you should organize your comment will be Lexical change - nouns, proper nouns, pronouns esp. This was an excellent task - the candidate very modest ability achieved a far higher mark than on any other module.

It does, though, rather rely on the teacher's very extensive knowledge of the Bible in English translation. Note - this investigation was chosen by a very able student, much to his teacher's alarm.

The task would not be suitable for many a2 english language investigation coursework help. Abstract: Beginning with compounds of the F-word the investigator will look at the morphology of new and variant forms, studying these in context, with regard to pragmatics, metaphor and implication. Introduction: You need some theoretical model here.

Clearly there are multiple derivatives and compounds of the F-word, a2 english language investigation coursework help, as well as grammatical conversion use in word class other than verb. You may wish to consider how these developments are not only evidence of change, but signal gradual shift in social implication - a lessening over recent time of taboo value.

This can be "measured" loosely by reference to wider publication in mainstream spoken and written media. Look at Inflection of verb to produce "F-er", "F-ing" and so on Derivation morphology using "F-word" as root, prefix and suffix Compounding of "F-word" Conversion - use of "F-word" as noun or attributive adjective, and so on Semantic shift or widening - less restricted or precise meaning e.

vague pejorative rather than denoting sexual congress Contexts of use a2 english language investigation coursework help publication - broadcast spoken and print contexts.

Conclusion: is the F-word becoming less of a taboo? Give reasons for your view. Data: what language data have you used? How can you ensure that these are used objectively? You may need, for example, to use Word to produce document statistics on a range of texts - total word count and frequency of use of F-word use other taboo words as reference? Appendices: Language data with acknowledgements of copyright-protected sources a2 english language investigation coursework help in contemporary dictionary to indicate earliest recorded usage to check for degree of invention or borrowing statistical information in tables or graphs.

This produced an excellent response - but is not suitable for many candidates. They were born in Jamaica, are black and speak BVE. Grandmother's job in UK involved more talking with British people; grandfather worked in a mill. Aim was to look at style change, i.

choices from speech repertoire as they both spoke about childhood. Assumption was that they were more self-conscious at the start of the taping, and more relaxed at the end. To what extent did they style-shift, how, and were there a2 english language investigation coursework help between them that might be linked to gender?

Every year, the exam board makes all staff teaching the course assess a sample of previous coursework investigations, a2 english language investigation coursework help. Below I list the topics covered in the last few years, a2 english language investigation coursework help. WARNING: some of these topics are too generalised and lack a specific language focus so the final marks were low but they do indicate some of the range of possible things to investigate.

Sign in Recent Site Activity Report Abuse Print Page Powered By Google Sites. Search this site. English News. Virtual Classrooms. Key Stage 3. GCSE English.

The Creative Zone, a2 english language investigation coursework help. Guidance for Parents. Wider Reading. From Andrew Moore. From Paul Barnes. From Norman Madden. See above Student B Persuasive language features in election leaflets: structural and stylistic features of election leaflets produced for the May European and local elections. Student C Lexical, semantic and grammatical change in Bible translations in the King James tradition Abstract: This investigation will look at a very few passages in a range of t ranslations.

Student D Note - this investigation was chosen by a very able student, much to his teacher's alarm. The "F-word" in film: derivational morphology of obscene words in popular feature films. An Investigation into the content of teen magazines. Do they inform of the risks involved in sex or do they use sex as an entertainment strategy.

An Investigation into the use of Politically Correct language. A comparison of Enid Blyton and J. An Investigation into how the Middle East Crisis was reported in a Lebanese as opposed to an English newspaper on June 21 st How does Tony Soprano use language to try to retain power with the women in his life and gain power over his psychiatrist?

Graham Norton: Comedian or Chat Show Host? How does Graham Norton use language to create comedy within the chat show framework? From Alan Thomas: Grandparents' language. Similarities and differences? Teachers' comments on A-Level work from Humanities and Sciences. Treated as the final part of IRF exchanges. Differences and similarities?

Gender angle considered but poor data for this, so abandoned.

A2 Language investigation story search

, time: 0:35

Investigation Ideas -

a2 english language investigation coursework help

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