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Bibliographic essay topics

Bibliographic essay topics

bibliographic essay topics

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Bibliographic Essay Guidelines | ACRL Choice

Annotated Bibliography for Their Eyes Were Watching God Curren, Erik. Hurston's Use of Religious Experience and Gothic Horror. An exploration of the novel that rebuts and contrasts with earlier analyses that call Their Eyes an "affirmative quest" story.

Curren's thesis is that these analyses in fact discount the entire final third of the book which is rife with horror, violence and tragedy, and asserts that what Hurston has done is not so much write an "affirmative quest" of the African folklore experience but tell a story that switches genres from "quest" to gothic horror, bibliographic essay topics.

He then builds a methodical case for Hurston's deliberate intent to use gothic horror and her reasons for doing so-primarily, bibliographic essay topics, an anti-religious viewpoint that in this work is a fundamental underpinning of both gothic horror in general and its uses…. ports Psychology and the self-Esteem of high school football players.

ports psychology: Annotated bibliography Cox, R. Playing position and psychological skill in American football. Journal of port Behavior, 18 3The Journal of ports Behavior is a peer-reviewed journal focused upon research in sports psychology and its articles are not directed towards a popular audience.

The authors begin with a literature review of previous studies which used the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory MBTI and yielded the finding that "successful linemen were more organized, predictable, and practical than successful backfield players.

uccessful defensive backs were reported to be decidedly more…. Stokes, J. Behavioral coaching to improve offensive line pass-blocking skills of high school football athletes, bibliographic essay topics. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, bibliographic essay topics, 43 3This study of Stokes et al. Five football players were selected for the study, specifically because of their sub-par passing ability.

To test the success of the intervention, "measurement during the pass-blocking drill was conducted at weekly practice sessions" Stokes et al.

Later, "the performance of several of the athletes was also measured during game conditions and a maintenance phase when they bibliographic essay topics for a second season. Additional evaluation included a social validity assessment in which the athletes rated the relative value of each of the intervention procedures" Stokes et al.

Athletes were given descriptive and video feedback to improve their skills. Overall, bibliographic essay topics feedback did not improve skills. But "video feedback combined with descriptive feedback was consistently superior to descriptive feedback alone in improving pass blocking" as did teaching with acoustical guidance TAG. This suggests that different types of stimulus can improve performance in the short-term. However, the players did not retain the improvements in bibliographic essay topics second session, suggesting deterioration occurred without positive reinforcement, bibliographic essay topics.

Nursing -- Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography Case, Bette. Breathing AIR into adult learning. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 27 4 Bette Case reviews an organizational scheme for adult learning called 'AIR', short for active involvement, individual differences, bibliographic essay topics, and relevance and motivation. Of the three learning strategies, active involvement is given the most attention.

Active bibliographic essay topics seems to capture any learning technique that empowers the students and moves beyond the traditional didactic format for communicating knowledge and skills.

The central thesis of active involvement seems to be teaching students how to be self-directed in the learning process. Students should be encouraged to take part bibliographic essay topics defining the competency objectives, bibliographic essay topics, choosing the learning method, and determining the evaluation criteria.

Linear lessons plans could also be dispensed with and replaced with collaborative bibliographic essay topics maps or matrices. A large number of examples and suggestions are provided to move the students out from….

Performance Management Strategies Used by Organizations in the Bibliographic essay topics and Public Sectors Having already established the importance of performance management to an organization's overall strategy, it makes sense to use the final project to gain insight into the specific strategies used by organizations in executing their performance management plans.

Rather than take a general approach, however, the researcher will focus on comparing the PM strategies used by profit-motivated organizations with those used by their counterparts in public agencies. There has been concern that organizations in the public sector do not pay a lot of emphasis to the aspect of performance management and that, hence, most public sector employees exhibit low levels of motivation and take their jobs as nothing more than just a job.

This low motivation translates to time-wasting, repetitive work, unmet targets, and poor service delivery - all of which come back to haunt the taxpayer in the…, bibliographic essay topics.

Wikina, S. Effective Performance Improvement and Management Strategies for the Information Technology Industry. Performance Improvement, bibliographic essay topics, 47 9It is a widely-accepted fact that performance management is crucial for organizational effectiveness and organizational success. However, most studies have adopted a general approach, and very few have actually focused on showing significance of the same in specific industries, bibliographic essay topics.

This article focuses on showing how performance management relates bibliographic essay topics success for organizations in the IT industry. It adds to the proposed project by providing crucial insight on the specific strategies that IT companies could adopt to boost performance, including creation of a culture of continuous feedback and accountability, developing effective communication frameworks, aligning goals and performance with organizational strategy, and the use of such PM tools as Six Sigma and Total Quality Management.

The researcher will compare these with the best practices presented in other studies to determine how applicable the said strategies are to organizations in other industries. Academic Honesty in Nursing Profession: Annotated Bibliography Kececi, A. Academic Dishonesty among Nursing Students: A Descriptive Study. Nursing Ethics 18 5 This cross-sectional, descriptive research's objective is assessment of academic dishonesty in Turkish university-level nursing students.

The sample size for this research was students. Data collection employed two instruments, which, on an average, could be completed in about 10 to 15 minutes: 1 A questionnaire, for gleaning socio-demographic data i. As per this research, Cronbach's alpha in relation to the above scale's sub-dimensions was. Descriptive statistics i. were applied for data analysis of demographic data.

Unethical conduct in the nursing education setting is a growing issue that severely disturbs the learning-teaching environment, frequently leading to stressful associations between teaching staff and students. Nursing educators exhibiting respectful, positive conduct, stimulate such conduct in their pupils as well.

On the other hand, nursing educators who are disinterested, reserved, and deprecate others, may elicit hostility among their pupils. Therefore, nurse educators must behave ethically for cultivating a positive bond with students and developing a supportive and safe atmosphere. This research intends to determine perception, among El-Minia nursing faculty's students, staff, and nurse educators, of unethical conduct in the field of nursing education.

The research's setting was the aforementioned nursing faculty and the overall El-Minia University Hospital. A total of individuals constituted the sample for this research: of these, were students bibliographic essay topics the 4 academic years i, bibliographic essay topics. Data was gathered using a questionnaire created for gauging unethical practices in the area of nursing education.

This research's findings suggest that the academic unethical conducts most witnessed were aggression, bibliographic essay topics of one's station, and indifference towards others. Furthermore, a difference of high statistical significance was observed between the sample's average scores of unethical conduct in nursing education settings.

The performance of a research aimed at inspecting effect of unethical conduct by nursing students on nursing educators and the profession of nursing, in general, was recommended. Emmerton, bibliographic essay topics, L.

Jiang, H. Bibliographic essay topics Students' Interpretation of Academic Integrity. Am J Pharm Educ. doi: These scenarios were applicable to existing evaluation modes, and offered levels of ambiguity involving academic integrity. Classification of unethical hypothetical students, especially in the scenarios that were intentionally vague, bibliographic essay topics, was unrelated to participants' gender or course year.

Students in a lower postsecondary course year proved to be more definitive while interpreting controversial cases. Participants belonging to all four academic years reported being witness to several such behaviors committed by their peers. The research offered new insight into ambiguity concerning academic integrity as well as perception of students with regard to bibliographic essay topics unintentional or deliberate engagement of other parties. Nursing Knowledge Annotated Bibliography Evidence Based Annotated Bibliography on evidence-bases educational program that will advance nursing knowledge on stress management methods and techniques that meets their assessed learning needs Annotated Bibliography on evidence-bases educational program that will advance nursing knowledge on stress management methods and techniques that meets their assessed learning needs.

article Nursing Times defines Nursing as a profession that is critical part of health care sector which offers patient care, attendants and community services and to help patients maintain, gain or recover ideal health and quality of life, bibliographic essay topics. The Nurses are different that the other service providers in the hospital, clinic or any other health care facility. They adopt more persistent approach of health care than others and get training to serve for longer hours.

The Nurse can offer patient care service in the of physicians. This is conventional and…, bibliographic essay topics. Journal of Nursing, 124 Wright, A. And McCarthy, S. Gender Marriage Annotated Bibliography: Gender Marriage, and Sexuality Payling, S. he Economics of Marriage in Late Medieval England: he Marriage of Heiresses. he Economic History Review, 54 3 he aristocratic and male dominated society in medieval England is discussed in bibliographic essay topics, providing various positions and set of standards to accommodate the natural desire to accumulate wealth.

he unjust division of wealth among elder individuals deprives younger siblings from their natural rights. However, the highlighted male primogeniture law, accumulation of land and property, as well as the feminine rights as heiress were acceptable standards of medieval English society. he primitive nature of aristocratic society is played a major role in setting the stage for land dispersal and marriages.

he author takes a position contrary to the applauded practices of medieval England including the landed wealth, social prestige derived upon a monopoly of advantages, and marriages with desirable brides for heirs, bibliographic essay topics.

The research provides a detailed account of the Christian and medieval social, religious, family, bibliographic essay topics, as well as economic structure and practices. The Protestant School of thought is discussed in great detail to provide bibliographic essay topics relationship between key rituals and social practices for marriages, social status, women rights, and treatment, bibliographic essay topics. Baptism is described as generally accepted and clerical and was preferred over bibliographic essay topics baptism.

The article has a clear position regarding the decline of spousals as significant in caparison with changes in marriage doctrine. The secular pressures are considered relevant to improvise social pressures in decline of spousals. The cash artifacts have an important role to play in women marriages. The brides regarded spousal's as an important part of the weddings.

It provided recognition of economic in dependability. Another notable reason for lower applicability of Spousal's is remarked as emergence of giving daughter their portions at the time of their adulthood. It is also stated that the symbolic value of the bibliographic essay topics independence was required to be replaced by actual actions with correct timings as required in an individual's age.

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Bibliographic essay topics

bibliographic essay topics

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