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District grading policies homework classwork test

District grading policies homework classwork test

district grading policies homework classwork test

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Homework and Classwork Policies / Classwork and Assessments

A lot of us teach in schools where the grading policy is set and there can be no changes to it. This was refreshing for me when I was a first-year teacher. It was one less decision I had to make for my classroom and I was grateful. When my husband and I moved for his job promotion, I switched from a large, urban public school, to a tiny not-so-urban private school in a small town.

At this new school, I was given complete freedom in every aspect of my classroom — in my management strategies, curriculum design, and grading policy. This ended up being a huge blessing, and this autonomy gave me the freedom to be completely creative in my curriculum design, which eventually led to the creation of my Teachers Pay Teachers store. This was even exciting as I established my classroom management system.

I had the freedom to use strategies I had been reading about in educational research and of course, on Pinterest. This was, however, the most overwhelming when it came to establishing my grading policy.

I know grades matter in all grades, but they especially matter in high school. The grades these students get in high school will directly impact their plans after graduation. They will affect scholarship opportunities, college acceptance letters, and internships.

I district grading policies homework classwork test a grading policy that was fair, district grading policies homework classwork test, accurate, and simple. I wanted the number my students ended the year with to be a true reflection of the grade that they earned and the content they understood.

I wanted zero manipulation of grades to be necessary. I also wanted something that could allow me to minimize my time spent gradingdistrict grading policies homework classwork test, so I could avoid having to take work home to grade. To keep the grading simpleI decided to split my grade book into only two categories: MAJOR grades and MINOR grades. I wanted to be able to district grading policies homework classwork test communicate to my students and to my parents what their grades really meant.

Having only two categories allowed me to be able to quickly and easily determine if my students were doing poorly due to their knowledge or their effort. Let me explain. My major grade category consists of tests, quizzes, and 1 project given per quarter, district grading policies homework classwork test.

The minor grade category consisted of everything else related to the effort: labs, homework, classroom activities, daily bell worketc. Although things in this category are often graded for accuracy, it is still a category that measures student effort, because for any and all of the assignments in this category students have the opportunity to receive my help in tutoring, use the support of their notes, and reference their textbook.

and Mrs. Not only was this grading policy simple, but it was also fair. I believe that in the secondary classroom we cannot just pass students on effort. They have to understand the content. We need to prepare them for college but also support them while helping them cultivate solid studying habits and strong work ethics, which is why I do think having the minor grade category is necessary.

Within each category to make sure the grading policy is also accurateI use a points system to weight each grade. Varying the points gives me the freedom to weight the assignments based on their depth and complexity.

A daily bell ringer that takes 5-minutes would only be a 5-point minor grade. A small activity that takes 30 minutes would be a point minor grade.

An district grading policies homework classwork test lab that takes class periods is worth a point minor grade. For district grading policies homework classwork test grades, a test is always points and a quiz points.

I have found too that students can understand the weight of points for tangibly than they can understand the weight of percentages. Note: If you put in all of your grades out of points, you are basically putting all your grades in as percentages.

So I developed a system of grading that I found to be district grading policies homework classwork test, fair, district grading policies homework classwork test, and accurate. But did it really work? It is such a relief to be able to teach and grade and know that my students are being treated fairly and are ending the year with a number that truly reflects what they know and has earned — and to be able to confidently stand by my teaching and grading strategies. So what is your grading policy?

Did you get to design it on your own or do you have to use a school-wide or district-wide system? I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and what has worked in your classroom! Share in the comments below! Not sure where to begin simplifying your teaching life?

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Grab your FREE RADAR Signs. I WANT THAT! Grading Policy for Secondary Teachers. More Grading and Assessment Posts. Decrease Grading Time: 4 practical ways to cut your grading time in HALF. Project-Based Learning in High School Science. Envelope Instagram Facebook Youtube Pinterest.

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Assessment Design and Sound Grading Practices for Teachers

, time: 58:57

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