Essay On Becoming A Teacher In wanting to change the lives of the next generation it is important to be competent, which is a pattern of effective adaptation to the children’s environment, being friendly, purposeful, achievement oriented, all while being involved There are various kinds of teaching essays that you can be asked to write in school or university. Child essay on teaching includes covering such aspects as age, techniques and methods of teaching the child something new. Your teaching essay can be based on In fact, teaching for success while taking a test is insufficient today. The current education policies that give priority to assessment need to be severely curtailed. This idea and many other ideas can be mentioned in your essay about teaching methods. However, it is
Essay on Teaching Methods
When reflecting on this semester of student teaching, there have been so many challenges, so many celebrations, and so much that I have learned. I have been pushed beyond my comfort zone, and I have grown as a teacher immensely.
It is hard for me to only talk about a few of the takeaways that I have gained from this semester! First, I have learned the importance of messing up. I know, this sounds crazy, but I have found myself so nervous about screwing something up.
I expected to always plan the perfect lesson, explain everything perfectly, and have everything go smoothly and as planned. And let me be the first to say, this is rarely the case. I have learned how important it is to accept that we are not perfect teachers, and neither are our cooperating teachers! We all have things to learn, and my student teaching experience has taught me how to learn from my mistakes rather than letting them eat away at me.
I learned something from my cooperating teacher and from the students almost every day, and being open to this and vulnerable allowed me to grow, essay on teaching, adapt, and think on my feet!
Having these experiences is the true life of a teacher. With being honest about my mistakes and imperfections, I was able to also form stronger connections with the students, essay on teaching. This is another takeaway from the semester. I have always valued forming strong relationships with my students in order to create the best essay on teaching environment for them, but I was able to truly see the value of this essay on teaching the semester.
Being the first placement where I was able to be with the students every day of the week, I was able to see the growth of my relationships with them from day to day over the course of the semester.
I was honestly intimidated working with older, gifted students coming in, but I worked hard to break down their walls and get to know them as individuals. I have loved getting to know each of my students likes, dislike, essay on teaching, strengths, and weaknesses.
I believe that this has helped me better teach them and has made my essay on teaching a happier place to learn! Finally, I have learned the importance of having an open mind. You can walk into any classroom and see completely different environments, teaching styles, student personalities, curriculum, resources, etc.
It is so easy to have your own ways and your own approaches to teaching, disregarding anything else that you encounter. I have learned that opening up to approaches and styles that I am not particularly used to is beneficial to help me learn more ways that I can help my students and to also learn more about what I like and dislike as a teacher, essay on teaching.
Rarely does anyone have a perfect student teaching placement. I am fortunate to have enjoyed mine, but I have also learned that there is value in learning about what you do not want to do as a teacher just as much as learn what you do want to do, essay on teaching.
It is so important to continue being open minded so that you can leave room to grow into a more effective teacher! I have really enjoyed my student teaching experience despite all of its hardships and challenges. I found myself in very low points but also in very high points throughout the semester, but I can clearly see how it has all grown me as a teacher, and I feel as though I can confidently walk into whatever classroom I will be teaching in next year.
I cannot believe that the time has come for my own classroom; I can hardly wait! As the semester is winding down, I have been truly experiencing one of the best parts of teaching, the relationships that are formed. I am becoming so sad to be leaving these kids soon, and I am reminded of why I love this job so much.
As teachers we spend the majority of the day with our students. While they may drive us crazy many days, it is inevitable that there will be relationships formed and connections made that leave lasting impressions. I will miss these kids and the adventures that they bring to me each day. I have learned the value of making these connections from day one.
I have learned how intentionally forming these relationships plays such an important role in the environment and community of the classroom, essay on teaching.
Because I was able to form these connections, getting to know my students on an individual level, I was able to see more success, more engagement, and more collaboration in my classroom. I have built mutual respect and rapport within my classroom, and I have seen the benefit of these relationships in several ways, essay on teaching.
First, I had a student simply tell me how great of a teacher I was and essay on teaching they want me to stay. This was so incredible to hear, essay on teaching, and I was so touched by this comment, essay on teaching.
Also, I have seen students opening up to me and instinctively coming to me with their comments and questions. I have loved watching this grow with my relationships formed. They truly consider me their teacher and trust me and my abilities enough to come to me rather than my cooperating teacher. I know that this is developed from my relationships with them and the openness that I have tried to instill from the very beginning. For example, we were working on vocabulary words, and each student would come to me with their questions, essay on teaching.
As a essay on teaching teacher, I cannot wait to build these relationships with my own students. I realize the importance of forming this open and loving community, and I intend to begin intentionally forming these relationships and building respect and rapport in my classroom from day one. I was able to establish my own behavior procedures and expectations since I have been in the classroom, but I also struggle with breaking the students of old habits in order to follow these expectations, essay on teaching.
One behavior issue that I have noticed from the very beginning is the talking and how they walk in the hallways. I struggled with essay on teaching because my cooperating teaching allowed this habit to continue on often, and I knew that this was something that I needed to break coming into full takeover, essay on teaching. I essay on teaching seeing the students take ownership of their responsibility, urging others to do the same. While this is still hard to manage at times, I have learned the value of simply waiting.
This was hard to do at first knowing the many things we had to get through in a day, but when I stay patient and refuse to start the lesson without them being completely silent, they notice and remind one another to stay quiet.
I have also noticed that the students struggle to walk in the hallway in a line and quietly. This began to drive me crazy, so I started using the same approach as I did with their talking.
I made sure that they knew the expectation, and then I would just wait. This student essay on teaching reminded the others to get in a line and maybe they would be let in. When they did this, I let them in, and they have done a much better line doing this without multiple reminders! I have learned the value of patience and staying true to your expectations.
This has essay on teaching strengthen the respect between the students and myself! I have always valued the role I play as a teacher in the growth of my students. There was a case of bullying involving several of my students this week. Apparently, there was an escalation of name calling in the lunchroom involving several of our students and several students from a different classroom.
The students in my essay on teaching refrained from sharing what happened for some time, but they eventually pulled my cooperating teacher aside and let her know, essay on teaching. They were obviously upset because of it. When my cooperating teacher filled me in on this situation, she explained that she was going to hold a class meeting at the end of the day.
When it essay on teaching time for my cooperating teacher to begin the meeting, she started by sharing a personal story that occurred earlier that day. She had shared an article on Facebook in appreciation of a multicultural event at a local high school. She explained to the class, in tears, the harsh response that one of her family members left on this post. This interaction was shared with the intention of teaching the kids how to handle a situation where someone is bullying or disrespecting you.
She was only able to share this emotional story before the bell rang, but we continued this discussion the following morning. Walking out of class, one of the students was in tears. I was happy to be able to show her that I am there for her and care for her. It was very interesting to both observe and contribute to a conversation with the class the next morning where students shared personal feelings and perspectives involving bullying. This opened an important conversation on essay on teaching to be an upstander, show kindness to others regardless of your feelings, and how essay on teaching encourage one another to do this.
I had a mindset lesson planned immediately following this discussion, and I was able to alter the context so that it could relate to this important lesson on bullying that we were essay on teaching. I had the students each come up to the board and share a word or phrase of encouragement, essay on teaching. They silently watched what each student was writing, and then we reflected on the different types of ways that people are encouraged.
I agreed not to read the letters unless invited to, and I plan to return the letter to the student if they are discouraged throughout the remainder of the year. I am thankful to hold this important role. This week was anything but calm, and I definitely got to experience what a hectic week looks like as a teacher, essay on teaching.
This week, I had to balance edTPA, full takeover, and interviews, essay on teaching. It was hard and exhausting, but I was able to accomplish a lot. With that being said, I averaged about 2 hours of sleep a night and was definitely thankful for the weekend to come. I finally turned my edTPA in this week, and I have been working day and night to get everything done just the way I wanted it.
It was a good experience going through it, but it took a lot of time and hard work. I learned the value of reflecting on your teaching and purposes for your lessons, and this experience definitely allowed me to think about my teaching in a way that I never had before. I was able to connect my choices and practices as a teacher to my knowledge of the students and to ongoing assessment of their success, essay on teaching.
Although the edTPA drove me insane at times, I do see the benefit of intentionally planning lessons, reflecting on your teaching, and using assessments to guide further instruction. I was able to learn more about my students through this experience as well.
With all that being said, I am essay on teaching happy that I am done with it! This past week was my first week of official full takeover. I was very nervous going into this week, but I quickly realized that full takeover is essay on teaching as intimidating as I thought!
I basically was already in full takeover, so it was a smooth transition, and I am thankful for that. I really enjoyed having the class all to myself, essay on teaching. Honestly, it is hard sharing responsibilities with my cooperating teacher because its easy be on different pages about some things and to plan days differently.
We needed to be in constant communication, which is fine, but it is nice being able to plan my days exactly how I want them to look. I realized though, full takeover means dealing with the hard and not-so-great aspects as well. I have been dealing with behavior management and parents leading up to this week, but it was tough fully taking over those responsibilities. I learned about how to manage poor behavior while still keeping the rest of the class on track.
Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE): How to Write an Essay
, time: 14:22
My normal teaching is what the principal wanted to see, and he ended up loving it! After the fact, I learned the value of just being myself despite the pressure of an interviewing setting. Posted in Uncategorized The “Not-So-Shiny” Part of Teaching. Posted on March 21, by kssaler2@blogger.com In fact, teaching for success while taking a test is insufficient today. The current education policies that give priority to assessment need to be severely curtailed. This idea and many other ideas can be mentioned in your essay about teaching methods. However, it is There are various kinds of teaching essays that you can be asked to write in school or university. Child essay on teaching includes covering such aspects as age, techniques and methods of teaching the child something new. Your teaching essay can be based on
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