Jul 22, · MIT theses in DSpace are available to anyone, for free, as printable full-text PDF files. Order PDF Copies: For theses not in DSpace, PDF copies may be purchased through the Distinctive Collections Request System. See Requesting Materials for complete information. See pricing information and contact Distinctive Collections with any blogger.com: Tina Chan Fees. Students receiving advanced degrees from MIT are required to pay a library processing fee: $ for a doctoral thesis ($50 for processing and $65 for the ProQuest abstract fee) and $ for all other advanced-degree theses. Undergraduate students do not pay a processing fee First, it introduces a unifying framework, *relational compilation*, to capture and extend recent developments in program extraction, with a focus on modularity and sound extensibility. Then, it presents Rupicola, a relational compiler-construction toolkit designed to extract fast, verified, idiomatic low-level code from annotated functional
Doctoral Thesis: Relational compilation for end-to-end verification – MIT EECS
Theses are available on the DSpace MIT online archive. If you would like to request a copy of a thesis, please contact MIT Document Services at MIT Document Services owns the copyrights for all MIT student theses. Amar, Jonathan Z. Algorithmic Advancements in the Practice of Revenue Management, February Bandi, Hari Improving Efficiency and Fairness in Machine Learning: a Discrete Optimization Approach, September Hazimeh, Hussein Sparse Learning using Discrete Optimization: Scalable Algorithms and Statistical Insights, September Orfanoudaki, Agni Novel Machine Learning Algorithms for Personalized Medicine and Insurance, June Paulson, Elisabeth Healthy Food Access and Mit edu phd thesis Informing Interventions Through Analytics, September Renegar, Nicholas Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning for the Risk-Based Management of Agricultural Supply Chains, September Berk, Lauren New Optimization Approaches to Matrix Factorization Problems with Connections to Natural Language Processing, June Chodrow, Philip S.
Structure, Dynamics, mit edu phd thesis, and Inference in Networks, September Cohen-Hillel, Tamar Past Price and Trend Effects in Promotion Planning; from Prediction to Prescription, September Gaudio, Julia Investigations in Applied Probability and High-Dimensional Statistics, June Hu, Michael Leveraging Data Analytics to Improve Outpatient Healthcare Operations, February Hunter, David New Approaches to Maximizing Influence in Large-Scale Social Networks, February Lamperski, Jourdain Bernard Structural and Algorithmic Aspects of Linear Inequality Systems, September Lu, Jing Probabilistic Models and Optimization Algorithms for Large-scale Transportation Problems, February Pauphilet, Jean Algorithmic Advancements in Discrete Optimization Applications to Machine Learning and Healthcare Operations, June Singhvi, Divya Data-Driven Decision Making in Online and Offine Retail, September Singhvi, Somya Improving Farmers' and Consumers' Welfare in Agricultural Supply Chains via Data-driven Analytics and Modeling: From Theory to Practice, September Wang, Yuchen Interpretable Machine Learning Methods with Applications to Health Care, June Zhang, Kevin Real-Time Calibration of Large-Scale Traffic Simulators: Achieving Efficiency Through the Use of Analytical Models, September Beeler, Michael Francis Inference and Mit edu phd thesis Models for Regulatory and Business Challenges in Low-Income Countries, September Biggs, Max Prescriptive Analytics in Operations Problems: a Tree Ensemble Approach, September Chen, Louis Lester Distributionally Robust Optimization with Marginals: Theory and Applications, September Fields, Evan Demand Uncensored: Inferring Demand for Car-Sharing Mobility Services Using Data-Driven and Simulation-Based Techniques, February, Hariss, Rim Data-driven Optimization with Behavioral Considerations: Applications to Pricing, September Lu, Haihao Large-Scale Optimization Methods for Data-Science Applications, June Martin, Sebastien The Edge of Large-Scale Optimization in Transportation and Machine Learning, June McCord, Christopher George Data-Driven Dynamic Optimization with Auxiliary Covariates, June Mellou, Konstantina Resource Scheduling and Optimization in Dynamic and Complex Transportation Settings, June Mundru, Nishanth Predictive and Prescriptive Methods in Operations Research and Machine Learning: An Optimization Approach, June Nambiar, Mila Data-driven Pricing and Inventory Management with Applications in Fashion Retail, September Pawlowski, Colin Machine Learning for Problems with Missing and Uncertain Data with Applications to Personalized Medicine, June Tay, Joel Integrated Robust and Adaptive Methods in the Heating Oil Industry, February, Zadik, Ilias Computational and Statistical Challenges in High Dimensional Statistical Models, September Amjad, Muhammad Jehangir Sequential Data Inference via Matrix Estimation: Causal Mit edu phd thesis, Cricket and Retail, September Chen, Chongli Daniel Operations Management in a Large Online Retailer: Inventory, Scheduling and Picking, September Copenhaver, Martin Steven Sparsity and robustness in modern statistical estimation, mit edu phd thesis, June Galle, Virgile Optimization Models and Methods for Storage Yard Operations in Maritime Container Terminals, February Goh, Siong Thye Machine Learning Approaches to Challenging Problems: Interpretable Imbalanced Classification, Interpretable Density Estimation, and Causal Inference, June Gutin, Eli Practical Applications of Large-Scale Stochastic Control for Learning and Optimization, mit edu phd thesis, September Huchette, Joseph Andrew Advanced mixed-integer programming formulations: Methodology, computation, and application, June Ma, Will Wei Dynamic, Data-driven Decision-making in Revenue Management, September Owen, Zachary Davis Owen Revenue Management and Learning in Systems of Mit edu phd thesis Resources, June Papush, Anna Data-Driven Methods for Personalized Product Recommendation Systems, February Mit edu phd thesis, Clark Operational Decisions and Learning for Multiproduct Retail, June Tracà, Stefano Regulating exploration in multi-armed bandit problems with time patterns and dying arms, mit edu phd thesis, June Wang, Shujing Improving Behavioral Decision Making in Operations and Food Safety Management, September Zhuo, Ying Daisy New Algorithms in Machine Learning with Applications in Personalized Medicine, June Aouad, Mohammed Revenue Management in Face of Choice Heterogeneity, September Cheung, mit edu phd thesis, Wang Chi Data-driven Algorithms for Operational Problems, February Eschenfeldt, Patrick Clark Multiserver Queueing Systems in Heavy Traffic, February Flajolet, Arthur Adaptive Optimization Problems under Uncertainty with Limited Feedback, June Gupta, Swati Combinatorial Structures in Online and Convex Optimization, June Lubin, Miles Mixed-Integer Convex Optimization: Outer Approximation Algorithms and Modeling Power, September Marks, Christopher E.
Analytic Search Methods in Online Social Networks, June Thraves Cortés-Monroy, Charles Mark New Applications in Revenue Management, June Weinstein, Alexander Michael From Data to Decisions in Healthcare: An Optimization Perspective, June Yan, Chiwei Airline Scheduling and Air Traffic Control: Incorporating Passenger and Airline Preferences and Uncertainty, September Dunning, Iain Robert Advances in Robust and Adaptive Optimization: Algorithms, Software, and Insights, June Grigas, Paul Methods for Convex Optimization and Statistical Learning, September Misic, Velibor V.
Data, Models and Decisions for Large-Scale Stochastic Optimization Problem, June Shaposhnik, Yaron Exploration vs. Exploitation: Reducing Uncertainty in Operational Problems, September Wang, He Dynamic Learning and Optimization for Operations Management Problems, June Yuan, Rong Velocity-based Storage and Stowage Decisions in a Semi-automated Fulfillment System, September Calmon, Andre du Pin Reverse Logistics for Consumer Electronics: Forecasting Failures, Managing Inventory, and Matching Warranties, June Cohen, Maxime C.
Pricing for Retail, Social Networks and Green Technologies, September Kallus, Nathan From Data to Decisions Through New Interfaces Between Optimization and Statistics, June Letham, Benjamin Statistical Learning for Decision Making: Interpretability, Uncertainty, and Inference, June Lin, Maokai Optimization and Equilibrium in Dynamic Networks and Applications in Traffic Systems, February Silberholz, mit edu phd thesis, Mit edu phd thesis Analytics for Improved Cancer Screening and Treatment, September Anderson, Ross Michael Stochastic Models and Data Driven Simulations for Healthcare Operations, June Elmachtoub, Adam Nabil New Approaches for Integrating Revenue and Supply Chain Management, September, Gupta, Vishal Data-Driven Models for Uncertainty and Behavior, June Leung, mit edu phd thesis, Ngai-Hang Zachary Three Essays in Operations Management, September, Zhu, Zhe New Statistical Techniques for Designing Future Generation Retirement and Insurance Solutions, September, Bandi, Chaithanya Tractable Stochastic Analysis in High Dimensions via Robust Optimization, June Chiraphadhanakul, Virot Large-Scale Analytics and Optimization in Urban Transportation: Improving Public Transit and Its Integration with Vehicle-Sharing Services, June Figueroa, Cristian Ricardo Emission Regulations in the Electricity Market: An Analysis from Consumers, Producers and Central Planner Perspectives, September Fontana, Matthew William Optimal Routes for Electric Vehicles Facing Uncertainty, Congestion, and Energy Constraints, September Keller, Philipp Wilhelm Tractable Multi-product Pricing under Discrete Choice Models, June O'Hair, Allison Kelly Personalized Diabetes Management, June Simchi-Levi, David Effectiveness and Design of Sparse Process Flexibilities, June Uichanco, Joline Ann Villaranda Data-driven Optimization and Analytics for Operations Management Applications, September Acimovic, Jason Andrew Lowering Outbound Shipping Costs in an Online Retail Environment by Making Better Fulfillment and Replenishment Decisions, September Chang, Allison An Integer Optimization Methods for Machine Learning, June Frankovich, Michael Joseph Air Traffic Flow Management at Airports: A Unified Mit edu phd thesis Approach, September Gupta, mit edu phd thesis, Shubham A Tractable Optimization Framework for Air Traffic Flow Management Addressing Fairness, Collaboration mit edu phd thesis Stochasticity, June Lobel, Ruben Pricing and Incentive Design in Applications of Green Technology Subsidies and Revenue Management, June Shi, Cong Provably Near-Optimal Algorithms for Multi-stage Stochastic Optimization Models in Operations Management, September Sun, Wei Price of Anarchy in Supply Chains, Congested Systems and Joint Ventures, September Telha Cornejo, Claudio Algorithms and Hardness Results for the Jump Number Problem, the Joint Replenishment Problem, and the Optimal Clustering of Frequency-Constrained Maintenance Jobs, February
Einstein's PhD thesis
, time: 18:20PhD and Masters Theses | Operations Research Center

First, it introduces a unifying framework, *relational compilation*, to capture and extend recent developments in program extraction, with a focus on modularity and sound extensibility. Then, it presents Rupicola, a relational compiler-construction toolkit designed to extract fast, verified, idiomatic low-level code from annotated functional If you would like to request a copy of a thesis, please contact MIT Document Services at or docs@blogger.com MIT Document Services owns the PHD Thesis, Ignition and burn control characteristics of thermonuclear plasmas. Full text ( pages, MB); Abstract. Note: Also published as PSFC Report PFC/RR Print copy available in the Library. Chen, Xing: PHD Thesis, Hot electron plasma equilibrium and stability in the Constance B mirror experiment
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