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PhD Theses – Power Systems Laboratory | ETH Zurich
Impact of battery energy storage systems on the dynamic behavior of low-inertia power grids. Zuo, Yihui. Format BibTeX View Download MARC View Download MARCXML View Download DublinCore View Download EndNote View Download NLM View Download RefWorks View Download RIS View Download. The extensive deployment of non-synchronous generation determines lower level of optimal power flow phd thesis inertia resulting in deteriorated frequency containment performance and abnormal frequency excursions in case of contingency.
This calls for identifying assets, optimal power flow phd thesis, controls, and relaying schemes capable to ensure acceptable grid frequency containment and dynamics satisfying the requirements of existing grid codes.
A potential way to counterbalance this lack of inertia is to use large-scale battery energy storage systems BESSs since they provide large ramping rates and fast power control. As known, there are generally two main approaches to control converter-interfaced BESSs: grid-following and grid-forming controls.
As BESSs may provide significant value to system frequency containment, it is of fundamental importance to quantitatively evaluate the dynamics of low-inertia power grids hosting large-scale BESSs. Within this context, it is also of importance to study the behavior of low-inertia power systems subsequent to large contingencies in order to develop appropriate under-frequency load shedding UFLS relaying schemes that may take advantage of nowadays distributed sensing technologies enabled by the Phasor Measurement Units PMUs.
Framed within the EU H project "Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity", the Thesis first characterizes the interplay between converter-interfaced BESSs and low-inertia power grids and, then, provides quantitative assessments of system dynamics and quantifies the benefits associated to different control strategies of BESSs.
For this purpose, optimal power flow phd thesis, state-of-the-art detailed dynamic simulation models of power grids, BESS, and controls are implemented on a real-time simulator for detailed numerical analyses.
At first, contingency tests are conducted. The results verify the substantial influence of inertia reduction on post-contingency dynamics of power systems and quantitatively prove that converter-interfaced BESSs can effectively limit the frequency decreasing and damp the frequency oscillations. Then, the proposed dynamic models are used for one-day-long simulations to assess the impact of converter-interfaced BESSs on the frequency containment of low-inertia power grids in normal operating conditions, optimal power flow phd thesis.
For a practical operative context, a day-ahead schedule layer is considered where reserve levels for frequency containment and restoration are allocated considering the current practice required by European transmission system operators. Numerical analyses on suitably defined metrics applied to grid frequency show that optimal power flow phd thesis grid-forming control strategy outperforms the grid-following one, achieving better system frequency containment. As large frequency excursions are more likely to occur due to the decrease of kinetic energy stored in rotating synchronous optimal power flow phd thesis, fast adaptive UFLS schemes are necessary to secure low-inertia power systems under contingency.
PMUs provide an effective tool to track the network state in any node of interest with reporting rates in tens of frames per second. In this respect, the Thesis proposes and validates two new UFLS schemes suitable for low-inertia power grids.
The first scheme is a centralized UFLS that leverages PMU-fed situational awareness systems and is coupled with an Optimal Power Flow OPF problem. The OPF problem is formulated to constrain nodal voltages and branch currents in combination with a model capable of predicting the system response.
Title Impact of battery energy storage systems on the dynamic behavior of low-inertia power grids. Author s Zuo, Yihui. Advisor s. Paolone, Mario Sossan, Fabrizio. Pagination Date Publisher Lausanne, EPFL. low-inertia power grids ; frequency containment ; battery energy storage ; power-electronics converter ; controls ; under-frequency load shedding ; modeling ; phasor measurement units ; rate-of-change-of-frequency ; optimal power flow.
DOI Laboratories DESL. View Download.
ETAP Optimal Power Flow Analysis - Basics and Application
, time: 49:16Impact of battery energy storage systems on the dynamic behavior of low-inertia power grids
Haramlampos Avraam – PhD student at Johns Hopkins University in Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering Departments. For providing crucial advice on model reformulation and GAMS support. Dr. Ben Hobbs – Professor for inspiration and advice on using optimal power flow models. Qingyu Xu - PhD who advised on network reduction It Optimal Power Flow Phd Thesis is Optimal Power Flow Phd Thesis a lot safer for a student to use a reliable service that gives guarantees than a freelance writer. You never know if this writer is Optimal Power Flow Phd Thesis an honest person who will deliver a paper on time. There is Optimal Power Flow Phd Thesis also a risk of getting a poorly written essay or a plagiarized one PhD Thesis. Analysis of Power Distribution Systems Using a Multicore Environment. Luis Gerardo Guerra Sánchez. Barcelona, March The completion of this Thesis has required an enormous amount of work and effort Distributed Generation Using a Power Flow Simulator and a
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