Apr 29, · The antibacterial activity of ten medicinal plants was screened for different bacterial.. Her primary line of research is the discovery of antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants.. Ph Antimicrobial properties of medicinal plants are being increasingly reported from different parts of the world. The World Health Organization estimates that plant extracts or their active constituents are used as folk medicine in traditional therapies of 80% of the world's population. The harmful microorganisms can be controlled with drugs and these results in the emergence of multiple drug-resistant bacteria and it Cited by: Professional Essay Help ‘If you want Antimicrobial Activity Of Medicinal Plants Phd Thesis professional essay help for your university essays, make sure that you knock the door of TFTH only. They are the best at what they do and will never turn you down. You may not even expect your assignments to be so good but when you read your essay done by TFTH, you will instantly realise how good they /10()
Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Antiviral Properties of Herbal Materials
Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Language: English Portuguese. Department of Biological Sciences, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, São Paulo State University, Rodovia Araraquara-Jaú, km 01, Araraquara, SP CEP Brazil. Department of Drugs and Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, São Paulo State University, Rodovia Araraquara-Jaú, km 01, Araraquara, SP CEP Brazil.
Throughout the genetic and physiological evolution of microorganisms, the microbiological sciences have been expanding the introduction of new therapeutic trials against microbial diseases. Special attention has been paid to the bacterium Helicobacter pyloriwhich induces gastric infections capable of causing damage, ranging from acute and chronic gastritis to the development of gastric cancer and death.
The use of compounds with natural origins has gained popularity in scientific research focused on drug innovation against H. pylori because of their broad flexibility and low toxicity. The aim of this study was to describe the use of natural products against H. pylori in order to clarify important parameters for related fields.
The study demonstrated the vast therapeutic possibilities for compounds originating from natural sources and revealed the need for innovations from future investigations to expand the therapeutic arsenal in the fight against H.
pylori infection. No decorrer da evolução genética e fisiológica dos micro-organismos, as ciências microbiológicas encontram-se em expansão, preocupando-se em introduzir novas triagens terapêuticas frente às afecções microbianas, com especial atenção àquelas adquiridas pela bactéria Helicobacter pylori, sendo esta frequentemente envolvida nas infecções gástricas capazes de causar dano ao organismo humano que vão desde gastrites agudas e crônicas ao desenvolvimento de neoplasias gástricas, levando o paciente ao óbito na maioria das vezes.
Neste sentido, phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants, o uso de compostos de procedência natural ganha destaque em pesquisas científicas voltadas a inovação medicamentosa contra o H. pylorivisto a vasta flexibilidade de investigação terapêutica e a característica de baixa toxicidade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever sobre o uso de produtos naturais frente ao combate do H.
pyloria fim de esclarecer parâmetros importantes para todas as áreas afins. O estudo demonstrou quão vasta são as possibilidades terapêuticas exercidas por compostos oriundos de fontes da natureza e, phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants, verificou a necessidade de inovações voltadas ao aprofundamento de investigações com o intuito de ampliação do arsenal terapêutico frente ao combate do micro-organismo em questão. The relationship between Helicobacter pylori and acquired resistance to various drugs from conventional therapy is of worldwide concern.
Several global consensus sessions have been conducted to ensure that medical guidelines are consistently updated on various issues involving the management of infection [ 1 ]. With antibiotic resistance reaching a crisis point in countless medical and scientific centers around the world and the growing resistance rate affecting communities, there is an urgent need to restore the arsenal of antimicrobial agents [ 3 ].
In addition to the high rate of resistance observed in conventional therapy, phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants, the chances of abandoning the treatment are large, mainly due to side effects or recurrence of infection.
Therefore, it is extremely important to search for new therapeutic sources with anti- Helicobacter pylori action. Currently, plants are viewed as the main source for the discovery of new compounds [ 4 ]. The use of natural products in the therapeutic management against diseases caused by microorganisms such as H. pylori presents advantages over drugs derived from synthetic sources. This is due to the low side effects of these drugs when their toxicological and pharmacological activity is compared to those obtained from industrial sources.
In addition to the lower toxicity, areas such as gastroenterology and bacteriology have shown remarkable interest in the pharmacological activities that natural products have against infectious agents. The health sciences have been increasingly concerned with the exacerbated growth in the number of H. pylori strains multi-resistant to antibiotics currently used in clinical practice. This may be explained by the indiscriminate use of drug therapies leading to a higher incidence of failures in treatment [ 5 - 7 ].
Given the numerous benefits provided by phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants products according to the literature, this paper presents a bibliographical survey of reports of antimicrobial action exerted by them against Helicobacter pylori published between the years andwith the purpose of detailing publications of great importance to the scientific community.
Identified in Australia by the researchers Barry Marshall and J. Robin Warren, Helicobacter pylori was isolated from gastric biopsy specimens from patients with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers [ 148 ].
pylori was the major cause of gastric pathologies [ 9 ]. In most cases, it is acquired in childhood and, if left untreated, often persists into adulthood.
Its helical shape favors movement driven by flagella, causing a disruption in the protective stomach lining. In association with the release of cytokines and the chronic inflammatory process, this disruption can develop into more serious and phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants diseases, such as chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer [ 10 - 12 ]. pylori is considered one of the most common causes of infection phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants. The Phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants Health Organization WHO ranked the pathogen as a Class I carcinogen for gastric cancer based on the results of epidemiological studies demonstrating its ability to induce carcinogenesis without the administration of co-carcinogens [ 21013 ].
Based on this, H. pylori quickly became the subject of several studies in various health areas ranging from microbiological to histological, epidemiological, immunological, and ecological [ 18 ]. First-line treatment consists of triple and quadruple therapies. Triple therapy includes a proton pump inhibitor PPI such as omeprazole combined with two antibiotics, usually amoxicillin and clarithromycin. Quadruple therapy contains one additional drug containing bismuth.
Sequential therapy is a simple dual therapy regimen including a PPI plus amoxicillin given for the first 5 days, followed by triple therapy including a PPI, clarithromycin and tinidazole all twice daily for the remaining 5 days [ 14 ]. However, this approach may fail because bacteria can oscillate between a replicative state microorganism remains susceptible to the antibiotic and a non-replicative state microorganism becomes resistant phenotype according to the pH of its microenvironment.
The bacteria cannot enter the replicative cycle when the pH is between 4. United of replication phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants H. pylori antibiotic sensitivityand a non-replicative state antibiotics insensitivity, phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants. Cycles occurring according to the pH in the microenvironment.
PPI: proton pump inhibitor, A: amoxicillin, C: clarithromycin [ 14 ]. Currently, urease, vacuolizing cytotoxin and pathogenicity gene products cagPAI - cag pathogenicity island are considered to be the major virulence factors of the pathogen [ 17 ]. Some strains of H.
pylori have a pathogenicity island PAI known as the cytotoxin related to gene A cag Awhich in combination with the vacuolizing cytotoxin Vac A results in a higher degree of virulence [ 12 ]. The pathogenicity of the bacteria is increased by the presence of PAI; thus, H. The proteins encoded by the cag PAI are responsible for inducing secretion of interleukin-8 IL-8remodeling the surface of epithelial cells and forming the pedestal.
VacA has the ability to induce large cytoplasmic vacuoles in eukaryotic cells, which can lead to cell death [ 12 ]. pylori interacts closely with epithelial cells, causing a variety of responses via diverse molecular interactions such as the release of cytokines capable of activating inflammatory cells.
The type IV secretion system T4SS transfers the CagA oncoprotein into the host cell cytoplasm, where it becomes phosphorylated and affects different cellular processes. This is considered the direct contact of T4SS with the epithelial cell membrane; however, it is believed to be primarily responsible for the induction of IL-8 and other host immune responses.
The α5β1 epithelial integrin has been implicated as one of the host receptors involved in this activity. However, the expression of these integrins is limited to the basolateral membrane. A monolayer in vitro model of epithelial cells with narrow junction integrity and measurable barrier function would facilitate the study of H.
pylori -host cellular interactions and allow detailed examinations of the molecular events that occur apical and basolaterally during infection by the pathogen [ 10 ]. BabA is a protein present in the membrane of the bacteria that ensures adhesion to the epithelial cell.
These circular fibrillar structures cover the microorganism and hamper its elimination by peristaltic movements, phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants, allowing the secretion of factors that attract and stimulate inflammatory cells [ 12 ]. It is believed that during the course of infection, there is an increase in gastric acid and gastrin secretion.
This relationship has drawn the attention of many researchers from different scientific fields seeking therapeutic alternatives that may behave favorably given all the factors involved [ 18 ]. Because the gastric mucosa is considered to be the main habitat of H. pyloriits survival in an acidic medium is of the utmost importance.
This survival is ensured by the urease enzyme, which is capable of hydrolyzing the urea present under physiological conditions in acidic medium. Urease and ammonia promote destabilization of the mucus layer, leading to formation of lesions on the lining cells. Furthermore, urease may also be involved in the activation of neutrophils, monocytes and the immune system, resulting in local inflammatory lesions [ 1219 ].
The catalytic power of proteases is essential for gastric colonization and H. pylori survival. The serine protease HtrA has been found in most infected individuals and is thus considered to be essential for the survival of the bacteria. Lysosomal cathepsins and metalloproteases are abundant proteases found during the early stages of H. pylori -mediated pathogenesis. Therefore, this class of protease enzymes may play a functional role in the carcinogenesis of the stomach [ 20 ].
The occurrence of monochloramine is also related to gastric injuries detected in the presence of H. This derivative creates large amounts of ammonia [ 19 ] and activates neutrophils that produce hypochlorous acid to react with the amino acid taurine, forming taurine-chloramine.
Chloramines can be either short or long term and have hydrophilic or lipophilic characters. The lipophilic character is long term and exhibits a better degree of diffusion across the plasma membrane, causing oxidative damage to various biomolecules [ 2122 ].
The Helicobacter pylori bacterium is characterized as the causative agent of various types of gastric pathologies. It is often involved in cases of chronic gastritis, functional dyspepsia, peptic or duodenal ulcers, and cancer or gastric lymphomas. Because it can survive in acidic environments, it remains intact in the stomach and promotes the destruction of the gastric mucosa. This makes the organ sensitive and vulnerable to triggering of ulcerative lesions and blocks the sterilization of food, producing failures in the digestion process.
Patients who have chronic gastritis have a higher risk for the development of peptic ulcers and carcinomas with increased severity. This risk is especially problematic in individuals with chronic multifocal atrophic gastritis, a type of autoimmune disease in which antibodies attack the mucosal lining of the stomach, causing thinning and loss of many or all of the cells that produce acid and enzymes.
This disorder is most commonly observed in the elderly, although there is also a tendency for it to occur in people who have had part of their stomach extirpated a surgical procedure called partial gastrectomy.
Atrophic gastritis may cause pernicious anemia because it interferes with the absorption of vitamin B12 from food. The symptoms of gastritis in general are burning, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, feeling of satiety and gastrointestinal bleeding. Deficiency in absorption of elements and vitamins may also occur, causing weakness and diarrhea [ 23 - 25 ]. Currently, dyspeptic syndrome or functional dyspepsia is characterized as a common universal problem presenting several disorders, especially peptic diseases determined phd thesis on antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants chloridropeptic dysfunction; these include gastroesophageal reflux disease and gastroduodenal peptic ulcer.
Although occurring with less intensity, infection with H. pylori is directly linked to the development of this pathology, with a significant reduction or complete elimination observed when the patient is subjected to treatment with drugs to combat the bacterium [ 26 - 28 ]. Among all the diseases caused by this pathogen, the greatest focus is given to the development of stomach cancer.
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Antimicrobial Activity Of Medicinal Plants Phd Thesis, Personal Writing Service Usa, Photo Essay Subjects, Creative Writing Fellowships And Residencies Essay Re-writer If your essay is already written and needs to be corrected for proper syntax, grammar and spelling, this option is for you/10() Antimicrobial properties of medicinal plants are being increasingly reported from different parts of the world. The World Health Organization estimates that plant extracts or their active constituents are used as folk medicine in traditional therapies of 80% of the world's population. The harmful microorganisms can be controlled with drugs and these results in the emergence of multiple drug-resistant bacteria and it Cited by: The Antibacterial Effect of Some Medicinal Plant Extracts and their Synergistic Effect with Antibiotic and Non-antibiotic Drugs By Mohamed Mahmoud Jouda Supervisors A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master in Biological Science / Microbiology –
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